

A new product launch.

PR is not a passive discipline. You don’t need to wait for something to happen before you publicise it. You can actively create PR opportunities that will get your company noticed.

The launch of a new product, a move to new premises, the appointment of new staff, a large order or a milestone event – these are all classic chances to publicise your business. But every other business is sending out the same type of press releases. So how do you make your story stand out?

You’ve got to make your announcement special. If you’re moving premises for instance, hold an opening event and invite local bigwigs. If you have a new member of staff, give their appointment a human-interest angle – focus on their amazing marathon running or charity work, for example. Create a photo opportunity to launch a new product by holding an event in an unusual (but relevant) location.

One of the most effective ways to get press coverage is to position your product or service as a problem-solver. Take mail-order lingerie company Bravissimo. Its unique sales point (USP) was that it finally gave women with larger bust sizes the chance to buy a wide range of attractive bras and it used PR extensively to launch the company in 1995. The story was leapt on by everyone from GMTV to the Daily Mail and helped take the company from a tiny operation to a multi-million-pound business.

Bear in mind though one reason that the media may not pick up your press releases is that they are too overtly self-promoting. You can give your PR more integrity and credibility by including customer testimonials and case studies. A magazine or newspaper is more likely to run a story showing how your company solved a problem for a customer than a straight sales announcement. Try doing a survey and presenting the findings to the media – journalists love facts and figures.


Opening new premises.

Appointments of new staff.

Large or quirky contracts or customers.


Milestone events (eg your 1,000th customer).

Financial Results



Become an expert

It’s not all about news. You can also make yourself an expert and provide in-depth analysis and comment on a topical or relevant subject. Journalists are always seeking potential interviewees and experts to help them fill airtime and provide fresh content. Research your key media to identify possible opportunities and approach them with ideas. Radio shows with regular phone-ins are ideal, as they are constantly looking for topics to cover.

Provide Prizes

Publish Research Results

For example, journalists like stories that present something new. They also like stories that include the results of research. So, you could carry out, or commission, research relevant to your business sector and get some press and media coverage on the back of it.




Get involved in the local community.

You can generate PR by supporting local events and organisations. This could range from taking a stall at a local fete or show to sponsoring a sports team (with your name on their shirt). Let the press know of your involvement and see if they can send a reporter – otherwise send them a report of an event afterwards.

Take part / sponsor fundraising activities.

Organising charity events or encouraging your employees to take part in unusual or impressive fundraising can reap dividends in editorial coverage. If a member of your staff has canoed down the Amazon for the Rainforest Alliance, for example, make sure you send photos, a full report and make your employee available for interview.

Have open days

Open days, if appropriate, are cheap to organise and can generate considerable goodwill. Put up flags or hire a jazz band to attract attention.


Exhibitions / Events


Exhibitions and conferences attract the media and get extensive press coverage. If you’re attending or exhibiting, there are many ways you can get excellent PR for your business, from sponsoring a session, making a speech, doing a product demo, inviting VIPs to your stand and having a product launch.

You can also hold your own event to create a PR opportunity. Have an open day, invite customers to a hands-on demonstration, organise a special sale, hold an auction to raise money for charity or invite special guests. Holding a special event is a great way to create excitement for your business, bringing in customers and attracting media attention.