Set up content management…
Who decides on and assigns topics? How far in advance? Does this person maintain the editorial calendar or does the person producing the content? You may have one managing editor who does this, or you may let writers suggest ideas.
Decide who produces the content…
You may have in-house writers who write all your content, you may hire outside writers, or you may do it all yourself. Some companies even allow any employee to apply to become a contributing writer and write blogs in addition to their other activities.
Set up approval process…
Who edits and approves content after it’s produced? Generally, the managing editor also edits the content, provides meta-data to optimize it for search engines, and add pictures and other formatting. But in some organizations, one person edits, a subject matter expert approves, and yet another person approves the final article. Select a workflow that suits your own business structure.
Assign tech labor responsibility…
Who uploads the content? Does the writer, the editor, or a web specialist? And who maintains the blog or content pages to keep them working well technically?
Assign promotion responsibility…
Who will promote your content in social channels? Do you have a social media specialist, or will one person write, post, and promote. If you have more than one person doing these tasks, make sure the communication lines are open and everyone is one the same page. That way your overall business objectives will be met in every stage of the process.