Cinemagoers are active, out and about, spending time with friends and family, hungry for new ideas and shared experiences. Old or young, they set aside time to indulge in their passions and have the disposable income to do so.
Just as each film tells its own story, a visit to the cinema means different things to different people. It might be a mate night or date night, a way to spend quality time as a family, or a means of accumulating social collateral. But what’s for certain is that it’s a medium like no other.
- 77% of the UK population
- Increased from 64% in 2009
- 172m admissions per year
- 6 visits per year
- Male 49% / Female 51%
- ABC1: 58% vs. 39% non-cinemagoers
- 16-34: 36% vs. 31% national population
- Family income: £32k vs. £30k UK average
Average group size
- 2
Gadgets and Technology
- 76% own a smartphone vs. 47% non-cinemagoers
- 85% heavy internet user vs. 56% non-cinemagoers
59% regularly use social media vs. 30% non-cinemagoers